Sunday, November 18, 2012

Glenny's Low Fat Soy Crisps: God's Gift To Dieters

Well, this is pretty much the perfect snack food for me, at any rate. Picture it: you're at the office and need a quick "munchie". You go downstairs to the magazine shop or deli and are looking for a healthy alternative to potato chips and the like -- well, good luck with that! Unless your shop stocks Glenny's Soy Chips.

And many shops do, which makes them the ideal"last minute" snack for me. Their low-fat & lightly salted variety is indeed low on fat (1gram, no trans fat), relatively low carbs and sugar (9g and 1g, respectively, with 1 g of dietary fiber), and high on protein (5 grams!). Only 70 calories per serving.

Now I know what you're thinking -- how does that work out with the serving size? Well, there are two servings in a "small," 1.3 ounce bag. Here's the cool thing: Glenny's Soy Crisps FILL YOU UP! I could barely make it through half the bag.

The crisps are gluten-free (plus!) and are made with non-GMO soy. The packaging brags that they contain more soy protein than tofu or soy milk -- not bad for something you grab as essentially a potato-chip substitute.

But how do they taste, you might be wondering.

Sort of like slightly tangy rice cakes. Certainly not like cheese curls or Doritos, if that's your poison. But decent. Remember, I've purchased the low-fat, lightly-salted, neutral-flavor variety. They've got plenty of other options, such as White Cheddar, Apple-Cinnamon, and  Salt & Pepper.

At any rate, these crisps are like a God-send to me, and it seems like more "one stop shop" type stores are carrying the brand. So if you're dieting or need to snack on something low in fat, Glenny's is a brand to turn to.

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