Sunday, December 2, 2012

Review: LaxaTea Keeps You From Being Tardy

Warning: this is a post ultimately about a laxative, and stuff related to laxatives. If this sort of subject matter is not what you want to read while eating your cranberry muffin, please turn back now.

Okay, now to the review.

Around the house we refer to Senna Sunrise tea, from Celestial Seasonings, as "Senna Surprise." That's because about 15-20 minutes after you drink it -- SURPRISE! You have just cleaned out your bowels. Congratulations.

Shockingly to us, Celestial Seasonings have apparently just renamed Senna Sunrise "LaxaTea" -- as we can no longer find the former on their website, and the latter has the exact same packaging and ingredients as the former. As you can imagine, this has considerably impacted our little "name game" -- though from a marketing standpoint, it makes sense.

After using stuff like Ex-Lax and certain questionable herbal "cleansing" regimens, Senna Surprise Senna Sunrise LaxaTea is exactly what I've been looking for. It tastes great -- a citrusy mix with shades of licorice and cinnamon -- and is a very gentle and natural way to handle occasional constipation.

The active ingredient here is senna -- Senna alexandrina -- an herbal laxative that works by irritating the colonic mucosa of the lower bowel, increasing the peristaltic movements of the colon. It is most commonly prepared as an infusion, such as a tea.

While LaxaTea is a great natural alternative to other laxative products...just because it's natural doesn't mean there aren't contraindications or risks (senna is also a main component in many "natural diet drugs"). Among the long list of warnings on the product box are:

* Consult with a physician before using this if you are taking other medications, are pregnant, or are nursing.
* Do not use if allergic to artichokes (one of the ingredients).
* Do not exceed more than two cups a day.
* Do not use past a week unless directed by a doctor.

I drink one watered-down cup of this tea on Sunday as part of an overall cleansing regimen that clears out toxins from the previous week, and prepares me for the week ahead. I've tried using other "natural" infusions and they were way too harsh.

I do not recommend anyone use LaxaTea on a daily basis to maintain bowel health, though, unless suggested by your doctor. Excepting having a specific medical condition, nothing is more effective to keep you "regular" than a balanced diet full of dietary fiber and plenty of water.

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