Friday, May 25, 2012

More Gluten-Free Goodies: Blue Diamond's Almond Nut-Thins

The quest for the perfect cracker to eat with my hummus and Faux Gras has led me from old standards such as Wheat Thins and Triscuits to a galaxy of choices that contain less fat and no gluten. And our crackers of the moment are Blue Diamond's Almond Nut-Thins.

To start: I much prefer thinner, wafery crackers to breadier stuff of the Wheat Thins variety. Since I plan on snacking upon multiple (read: many) crackers, I want something relatively low in carbs, fat, and sodium. And my husband has an additional concern -- he prefers items that are gluten-free. So with Blue Diamond's Almond Nut-Thins, we found a cracker that is relatively easy to come by (a staple of health food stores, but also occasionally found in better-stocked local groceries), with a great taste and the health requirements we need.

This is not to say that Almond Nut-Thins are essentially "health food." They are not rice-cakes or stalks of celery. I still have to eat them in moderation. But they are 0 trans-fat, wheat & gluten free, and a hearty 16 pieces per serving size -- plus 3 grams of protein per serving. Eating these, I don't feel I have empty calories that are going to pack on a lot of calories, fat, and sodium.

Our favorite variety is "regular" flavor in the blue box. There is a "Hint of Sea Salt" flavor that is low sodium (80mg versus 115 in the regular) that we also like. The other flavors are a mixed bag, and my husband isn't crazy about ones like "Smokehouse." Your preferences may vary. But after eating Almond Nut-Thins, I can't go back to Triscuits et al.

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